Who this is for
Joint pain often-times sneaks up on us. Little-by-little, repetitive daily movements that were fine before cause aches and pains that show up out of nowhere. Maybe you twist your knee while playing soccer with your friends, or perhaps you feel a strange pinching in your knees as you go up the stairs.
This course provides exercises and drills to help reduce inflammation, increase mobility and build strength in your knees. No matter if you already feel pain or are looking for preventative exercises, this course will help you to build resilience for the long-term.
Daily Activities

Our knees are the connectors between our upper and lower legs and we expect A LOT of them! They help us to walk, go up and down stairs, sit down and act as shock-absorbers to sudden motions. We plan out appointments, fitness routines and meals, but very rarely do we take the time to care for the parts of our body that get us to and from these activities. Worst of all, we only are reminded about how useful they are when injured or pain creeps in.
Out Having Fun

Unfortunately, things happen. Lingering pain from an injury can haunt you well past the original injury. Using the techniques in Building Resilient Knees, you'll be better able to avoid injuries by building a strong foundation as well as recover faster when injuries do occur.
What You’ll Get with this Course
- Self-Paced Instruction
- 3 Downloadable and printable exercise checklists
- Unlimited access to all knee lessons
- Message instructor any time for issues or questions
- 30-Day money-back guarantee
This Course Guides You Through 3 Phases for a Healthy Knees

Reduce Inflammation
Learn techniques that help increase blood flow and circulation upstream and downstream from your knees. Often-times, pain manifests in one place, but its root cause is in another one entirely.

Start bringing light movement to the knees through rocks, circles and stretching drills.

Use progressive exercises to build strength into your tendons and ligaments for stronger, healthier knees.
Sample Curriculum
Phase 1: Reduce Inflammation
- Manage Inflammation (Pdf Download)
- Knee Palpation
- Quad Roll with a Dowel
- Hamstring Flossing on a Chair
- Outer Calf Releases
- Calf Massage
- Inner Thigh Release
- Outer Thigh Release
- Shin Massage
- PREVIEW Hip Flexors Flossing
- Hamstring Release with a Roller
- Quad & Hamstring Release
- Phase 1: Check-in
Phase 2: Increase Mobility
- Mobilize (Pdf Download)
- Knee Circles
- Figure-4 Pelvic Rocks
- Kneeling Seiza
- Bent Knee Hold Position
- Bent Knee Front Taps
- Bent Knee Side Slides & Taps
- Bent Knee Slide Backs
- PREVIEW Bent Knee Cross Backs
- Forward Pike to Squat
- Hip Openers in a Squat
- Lunge Stretch
- Phase 2: Check-in
Phase 3: Build Strength
- Strengthen (Pdf Download)
- Standing Posture
- PREVIEW Supported Squats
- Ground Power Bounces
- Lunges
- Air Squats
- Step Ups & Step Downs
- Jump Ups & Jump Downs
- Phase 3: Check-in