Articles from The Agile Lifestyle

Unpacking my inner bitch

I’ve been a defensive, competitive person most of my life. I have been quick to judge and slow to...

16 ways to show gratitude without gifts

As I grow older, I find more ways to be grateful. It’s not that I didn’t have gratitude before, I...

I bless my food each day with this mantra

Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of our gratitude throughout the day. That’s why we added it...

The Secret of Anti-Aging

“Your body is NEVER ‘out of shape’; it is always IN a shape created by how you have moved up...

When the Zoo is Actually You

Are you aware that you are personally responsible for literally trillions of lives? That’s...

Everyday Ways to Build Agility

For a few years now, we’ve lived where many people get around on electric scooters (e-bikes)...
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